Ndikumana Rasheri

Blog #1

EDUC 461

  • What do you remember about social studies in your elementary school years?

I don’t remember much about my social studies in my elementary school year. However, I know that we did learn about the branches of government and the basics on the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, Community, and History. My teacher also taught us about the different cultures around us and why culture is important. I liked social studies because I got to learn about the history of different people and how they have shaped the world. In class, we did a lot of projects and it was fun, we watched a lot of videos, and read a lot.

  • What do you think is important for PreK and early elementary social studies classes to be engaging and meaningful?

I think its important for Prek and early elementary social studies classes to be engaging and meaningful by providing them opportunities for to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge that will enable them to become engaged, active, informed, and responsible citizens. They should be aware of their capacity to effect change in their communities, society, and world as well. Students should not sit in the classroom memorizing facts and information, instead it would be better to have projects for them to do with their classmates, provide hands on learning, and be able to take what they learn into the real world. 

  • How would you define (without Googling ideas) social studies inquiry?

I would define social studies inquiry as the opportunity for students to study topics such as history, geography, economics, or political science to gain knowledge and deepen their understanding of the past and the world today. Also teaching students to be engaged in their learning digging deeper and asking open-ended questions to better understanding what they are being taught in the classroom.




  1. Hi Ndikumana,
    I agree with you about teaching and learning social studies in early years education. I agree teachers should provide children with hands-on opportunities to actively engage in activities to make an impact on their community and their world.
    I liked what you said about learning social studies was fun for you, as you got to learn about the world and people from different parts of the world too. I think it is so important for children from a young age to learn about the world from various perspectives to be open-minded and caring to the similarities and differences among people and cultures.
    I would like to ask if you have any experience in working with young children using social studies inquiry?
    Thanks for sharing,


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