1. Select 1 of the Topics/Compelling Questions you and your partner worked through for the Foundational Elements assignment and share it here. Be sure to include all elements (basically copy and paste).

The topic our group choose from the Foundational Elements assignment is Kindness. The question is labeled under the Pre-K level.

 The standard theme for this question was Individual Development and Identity- 1. Physical, and Emotional Growth affect Individual Identity, Growth, and Interactions with Others

D2.CIV.11.K.2.- Explain how People can Work together to make Decisions in The classroom

Supporting Questions:

1.      How do we show kindness to each other?

2.      Why is it important to be kind?

3.      How does your family show kindness?


1.      Answer to Compelling Question: Kindness means to be friendly, respectful, and generous towards others. This answer can also be researched, however its not necessary because we can have a discussion with the students about being kind at the school.


2.      Then, explain your partnership's thinking on the work. Defend the Compelling question. Explain how the supporting questions serve their purpose. And discuss how the answer is evidence based and relies on those supporting questions.

When we were working on this assignment in class, we came up with the compelling question. After that, as a group we brainstormed on a couple of supporting questions that would make the compelling question actionable. The supporting questions provide the subject matter scaffolding necessary for students to make and support arguments in answer to the compelling question. By looking at the supporting questions about kindness, students can dig deeper into answering those questions because we provided them with a compelling question to begin with. The answer to the compelling question is straight forward and can easily be researched by students. Kindness is a term that you hear in some classrooms, as well.




