Blog #2

  • How has your understanding of social studies inquiry grown during this module?

During this module my understanding of social studies inquiry has increased. When we watched the webinar in class and discussed the readings, I leaned the importance of inquiry in social studies. I understand that if I don’t know how to ask for something in the right way I may not find out, its important students know this so that way they can obtain crucial skills with their peers and be able to solve problems. Inquiring is something we do every day whether we are in class or somewhere else.


  • What is the importance of both compelling and supporting questions in an IDM? 

Compelling questions and supporting questions are important in the IDM because compelling questions frames an inquiry and supporting questions helps make the compelling question actionable.  supporting questions provide the subject matter scaffolding necessary for students to make and support arguments in answering the compelling question. (5, Grant (2017). Compelling questions are crucial because it forces the students to stop and think to consider what was asked to them. It turns on the thinking caps of the younger minds so they can’t come by with a simple answer, but it will urge the students to provide something thoughtful. And the supporting questions are exactly that, they support. So, when the question is given, it doesn’t tear down the student and their thinking or point of view.


  • What is a question you now/still have about social studies inquiry? After posing the question, suggest a possible answer.

As of right now, I do not have any questions about social studies inquiry.



