Blog #5

Select 3 Things you have learned this quarter and describe how your thoughts changed, developed, or were reinforced by our course work. Be sure to connect to readings and/or class discussions.


1.       I learned that inquiry design model is an approach that support students dig deeper into whatever subjects they are learning.


2.       The IDM approach frames inquiries around a compelling question. Compelling questions do address key issues and topics found in and across the academic disciplines and reflect the ideas and experiences that students bring to class.


3.       The IDM suggests that students of all abilities can engage with the questions, tasks, and sources that comprise the inquiries. Although it is a challenge to write an inquiry without a specific group of students in mind, inquiries need to be sensitive to the wide range of abilities that students bring to class.


Identify one challenge/concern/question you still have about teaching social studies. Explain your thoughts about this issue.


I would say one challenge for me is trying to implement the IDM template with other subjects and other grade levels such as 3rd, 4th, and so on. I think I would have to do more research and see examples how to be better at it.

