N. Rasheri

Blog #4

#9 Moran

1.       This article is about Project-based learning (PBL). Why do you think using a PBL approach would be a good idea?

I think using a PBL approach would be a good idea because it’s a student-centered approach to teaching that situates learning in real-world contexts. It is a constructivist method to teaching) and includes, or at least shares, similarities with several other constructivist methods. PBL can promote the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. It can also provide opportunities for working in groups, finding, and evaluating research materials, and life-long learning for students.


2.       What makes the project Moran describes powerful, effective, and worth the time it takes?


What makes the project powerful, effective, and worth the time it takes is the act that the effectiveness of PBL depends in part on the quality of implementation, which has shown to vary. PBL involves extensive student choice, autonomy, and authority. The key to successful implementation is to offer students more than just the opportunity to engage in projects. Rather, PBL needs to be designed around student interest, be developmentally appropriate, and occur in an effectively managed classroom environment. Students can have input on every stage of the PBL, including the roles, resources used, tasks, and the final product. 


3.       Do a Google search for other Project-based learning ideas and share one of them. Describe the project and explain why you'd like to do it in your classroom.

The project Idea I choose was to have them plant and manage a garden to feed local homeless. I would like to do this in my classroom because students will learn how to be involved in the community. This will enable students to solve problems and address issues important to them, their communities, and the world. Through PBL, students learn how to interact with adults and organizations. The idea of planting a garden will benefit the students and helping those who are in need. Also, this will benefit students to learn about natures life cycle.


