
Showing posts from March, 2022
  Blog #5 Select 3 Things you have learned this quarter and describe how your thoughts changed, developed, or were reinforced by our course work. Be sure to connect to readings and/or class discussions.   1.        I learned that inquiry design model is an approach that support students dig deeper into whatever subjects they are learning.   2.        The IDM approach frames inquiries around a compelling question. Compelling questions do address key issues and topics found in and across the academic disciplines and reflect the ideas and experiences that students bring to class.   3.        The IDM suggests that students of all abilities can engage with the questions, tasks, and sources that comprise the inquiries. Although it is a challenge to write an inquiry without a specific group of students in mind, inquiries need to be sensitive to the wide range of abilities that students bring to class.   Identify one challenge/concern/question you still have about teaching soci
 N. Rasheri Blog #4 #9 Moran 1.        This article is about Project-based learning (PBL). Why do you think using a PBL approach would be a good idea? I think using a PBL approach would be a good idea because it’s a student-centered approach to teaching that situates learning in real-world contexts. It is a constructivist method to teaching) and includes, or at least shares, similarities with several other constructivist methods. PBL can promote the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. It can also provide opportunities for working in groups, finding, and evaluating research materials, and life-long learning for students.   2.        What makes the project Moran describes powerful, effective, and worth the time it takes?   What makes the project powerful, effective, and worth the time it takes is the act that the effectiveness of PBL depends in part on the quality of implementation, which has shown to vary. PBL involve